Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Solving Problems Thru Strength in the Lord


Solving problems in your personal life can be overwhelming and we wonder why we wanted to become adults. When you are faced with a problem, how do you solve it?


People who throw themselves at their problems become stressed out, frantic, and confused. They will start making mistakes and find themselves making no progress or worse. 



President Boyd K Packer said, “When you say, ‘I can’t! I can’t solve my problems!’ I want to thunder out, ‘Don’t you realize who you are? Haven’t you learned yet that you are a son or a daughter of Almighty God? Do you not know that there are powerful resources inherited from Him that you can call upon to give you steadiness and courage and great power?’”


D&C 9:7-97 Behold, you have not understood; you have supposed that I would give it unto you, when you took no thought save it was to ask me.

8 But, behold, I say unto you, that you must astudy it out in your bmind; then you must cask me if it be right, and if it is right I will cause that your dbosom shall eburn within you; therefore, you shall ffeel that it is right.

9 But if it be not right you shall have no such feelings, but you shall have a astupor of thought that shall cause you to forget the thing which is wrong; therefore, you cannot write that which is bsacred save it be given you from me.


The Lord wants us to solve our own problems, we can identify our own needs and plan, set goals, and solve our own problems. Here is the steps to help.


1.     Identify, what is the real problem.

2.     Study Options, what are the possible solutions? Which one is better?

3.     Decide and Act, pray for guidance, Decide, Then Act with faith. Good results? If not, try steps 1-3 again. Don’t give up.


Heavenly Father wants to help, follow him in faith and you can see many miracles in your life. I don’t say this lightly, I have had many hard times giving up my own power and trusting someone else even our Heavenly Father. Keep trying that’s all he asks. Think of Nephi when he was asked to build a ship. How crazy was that, but he had faith and followed His commandments.

1 Nephi 17:51

51 And now, if the Lord has such great power, and has wrought so many miracles among the children of men, how is it that he cannot ainstruct me, that I should build a ship?

1 Nephi 18:2-3 

2 Now I, Nephi, did not work the timbers after the manner which was learned by men, neither did I build the ship after the manner of men; but I did build it after the manner which the Lord had shown unto me; wherefore, it was not after the manner of men.

3 And I, Nephi, did go into the mount oft, and I did apray oft unto the Lord; wherefore the Lord bshowed unto me cgreatthings.


I know you can have great things in your life if you have trust and faith in Him, He has a plan for you and if you listen and follow him you will have many blessings. I know this to be true and have seen it in my own life. I love and pray for each of you to find the faith you need to ask him for help finding answers.  Amen

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Meeting the Shaytards and CVXLive
We went to CVX Live this year and we were able to meet some amazing people. I took my niece Morgan and she was so excited to meet the Shaytards. This was first on our list so as soon as we got there we found were the Shaytards meetup was and we got in line.
Morgan was waiting in line with all the things she brought to give the Shaytards. She was so excited and couldn't wait to see them, it's a good thing we got there so early we were at the front of the line. 
When they came in we waited only a short time and it was our turn. My Niece  Shauntay and her boyfriend Kris showed up and got in line with us.

Honestly Morgan wasn't the only one that was excited. I have wanted to meet them sense I stumbled across their Youtube channel. I was married to my ex Juble and it was hell. I dont understand why but it seemed like he was always trying to make me miserable. I got so low so many times and trying to fight his attempts to make me feel terrible about myself. At times I wondered why I even tried anymore, all I did was fail. When day when I was at my lowest I found the Shaytards. I was watching the video's and laughing at all the antics of this family. After a few days of watching and laughing Shay came on and talked about how happiness is a choice. No matter the negative people around us we can still choose to be happy. the next time my ex came at me with his negative attitude and I started to become unhappy I remembered what Shay said. I put a smile on my face and talked to the kids and joked with them. I noticed that happier I was the more he tried to put me down. Here is a link to the video I watched.
I continued to watch his channel and then started to watch others like:
Daily Bumps
April and Davey
Ellie and Jared.
Dyches Family
Matt and Em Vlogs
All of these families inspired me to do more with my life and to continue to live happy and peaceful life. 
At CVX live I got to meet not only the Shaytards and his family like his brother Casey but I meet Missy from Daily Bumps, April and Davey, Ellie and Jared, Josh and Christine and Matt and his son. It was so fun being able to talk with them and let them know how much they changed my life.

Its been four years that I have been divorced and changed my life around to be more positive and make everyday a day that I can choose to be happy. I know without a question that I would not be were i am today without the influence of there people. I was so happy that I got to meet these people and let them know how they changed my life. I will always remember how I needed that love and support from people that I have never meet. I would come home and take care of Hanna and the house and then lock myself in the bedroom and watch youtube and laugh. One day I will start my own channel and all I can hope is that I can help at least one person.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Lunar Eclips April 2014

Lunar Eclipse & Blood Moon

April 2014

Had so much fun taking pictures but I froze. I used my Nikon D3100 F5.6 ISO 200. I used a tripod and used the timer so I didn't shake the camera when pushing the shutter button. 

I had a blast but when I tried to do the blood moon I had to change the setting by slowing down the shutter speed. I had to change the lens because it wasn't working. 

Monday, April 14, 2014

Spring Wreath with Mesh 

What you will Need:

  • 16" Wire Wreath Frame
  • 2 10 yard roll of 21" wide mesh Green and Hot Pink
  • Matching color chenille stems or I used pipe cleaner
  • Spring Flowers
  • Large Sheer Butterfly
  • Hot Glue Gun
  • Measuring tape

Next cut 22 stems around the wreath frame alternating between the outside and then inside of the rings and space them evenly.

The the mesh and gather the end. Place the gathered end over a stem and twist the stem to secure.

Measure the mesh 16" apart and gather keeping it as straight as possible.

Place the gathered area over the next stem and twist. 

Continue measuring, gathering, and securing the loops infill there are only 5 stems without mesh loops.  Check to make sure you have enough to make the 16" loops. If not then make the loops a little smaller. You will never know the difference. 

Take the green mash and tie it to the stem that is securing the pink mesh and twist and secure it. Doing the same as the pink continue around the wreath continue to measuring, gathering, and securing loops. Make sure to fluff, straighten, and position the loops to make the wreath full all over. 

Gather the flowers and fern stems into a bouquet and wrap with wire. Use stem to secure the bouquet to the wreath.  Glue the butterfly onto the flower with the hot glue gun.

Secure a loop to the back to hang on the wall or the door. 

Gospel in Art Exhibition
April 2, 2014
Joseph Smith Building, SLC, Utah

"Let The Children Come" Liz Lemon Swindle

I had an amazing time going to the Art Exhibit with my mom. Its was so touching and inspiring to see the beautiful pictures and learn the stores behind those pictures. I also loved talking to the artists and feeling their spirit.  I fell in love with so many of the paintings and wish I could go thru all the art and tell you about it but there is just so many.  I will pick some of my favorite and why the art touched me.

 "Sweet Hour Of Prayer"

By Emily Dyches Pugmire

This painting and the story behind it touched me in many ways. In talking to the Artist I learned about her illness were her right eye filled with white blood cells and a blood vessel burst inside her eye. Permanent vision loss was a big concern. She thought about how she might change her career  and lifestyle. She found solace in her own "sweet hour of prayer". Fortunately her sight improved over time and she was able to finish this painting. 
Each character in the painting is closing his eyes and focusing his spiritual vision on the struggle at hand. She wanted to portray how prayer can literally call us from our 'world of care'. What a better way to portray those who are in season of distress and grief, then to portray army men at war. Here they are coming together to express their faith in the omnipotent "arm of the LORD." The central figure in this painting posed for this painting between serving his first and second tour in Iraq. It symbolizes different religions coming together to pray before going to war. I love this and to me it is the same. We need to pry before we go into the world. No matter what we face and were we are at we can kneel down and pray. 
I bought a print of this picture because it touched me personally. My dad served in Vietnam just one month after returning from his Northern Indian Mission. My mom told me after he died she found a letter from a man he served in Vietnam with. The letter told of how him and his family invited some missionaries into there home when they knocked on the door. He said that because of my dad's example during the war they took the lessons and were converted to the church.

"Follow Me"

Liz Lemon Swindle

This was the masterpiece that was unveiled at the exhibit.

"On the Sea of Galilee, Jesus walked on the water; the Apostles were astonished and even frightened "...they supposed it had been a spirit... and were troubled." (Mark 6:49-50) Jesus bid Peter to walk, but when Peter began to sink, he dried out, "Lord, save me." Jesus then helped him, saying, "Wherefore Didst thou doubt?" (Mathew 14:25-32 )
When I look at the painting it gives me comfort in knowing to not be afraid as long as we follow Jesus and have faith we will be ok.

"Lost Sheep"

Liz Lemon Swindle

In the parable of the lost sheep, a shepherd has an hundred sheep. One of the lambs wanders off and it lost from the fold. Perhaps this lamb was distracted by something that looked interesting. Perhaps he laid down to rest while the rest of the flock moved on. Whatever the reason, this lost sheep became lost and could not find his way back. When the shepherd discovers that the lamb is lost, he immediately goes in search of it. Once found, he places the lamb on his shoulders and brings it home rejoicing.

Jesus explained that He was the Shepherd and that we are the sheep. It would follow that the lambs would be our young men and young woman who are constantly bombarded by messages that call them away from the fold (or church). They live in a world where lying, cheating, drugs, and pornography are accepted as "normal." They are confronted daily by messages and friends that believe wealth and power are the only things that matter. In our high-tech, low-spirituality world it can become easy to stray from the fold. Always intending to catch up later, only to find the darkness closing in and the fold nowhere in sight.

Sometimes when we wander off we mistakenly think the shepherd has forgotten us. We feel alone and scared and believe that there is no way back. The longer we wander in the wilderness the harder it becomes to believe that anyone knows we are missing or that anyone is looking for us. As leaders we are bound by covenant to go to the homes of those who are lost. To pick them up and put them on our shoulders and bring them back to the fold. The shepherd in the parable was not worried about what the sheep might think of him showing up so late. He was only concerned that he find the lost lamb and bring it home.

Liz has touched my heart in so many way's and Im so grateful  for her talent and spirit.  Every time I think of my darkest day's and feeling so alone in the world and remembering those that were there to help guid me home. There have also been a few times in those dark hours were I asked for god's help and pleading for his comfort that I felt his arms around me. Can you imagine the day we return to our father and are able to have him put his arms around us agin.

 This is a video of Liz and the making of "Lost Sheep". It is so touching...

"Why I Believe"

Nicole Sheaham

Pictures by Liz Lemon Swindle

Here is some more amazing pictures by Liz that I love with a beautiful song. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

No Sew Tutu's That are Fun and Easy.

These are so easy and fun to make.  I made mine for a toddler and one for an infant. 

What you need:
Tulle in colors you want
Measuring Tape
Needle and Thread

You will need to measure the waist of the little girl that you are making the tutu for. Then cut the elastic with a little extra to sew the ends together. 
Now you need to cut the tulle into 32inch length. The smaller the little girl or taller you may want to shorten or lengthen it.  I cut about ten each color, for bigger waists you will want more. 
You may want to find something round like a paper towel roll to put the elastic around. 
Take the first strip of tool and fold it in half and then put the folded end under the elastic.

Take the end peaces and thread it threw the loop and then pull it tight but not too tight that it folds the elastic. 
Next you put the other colors and keep it up around the elastic until the other side. 
Next you can use your creativity and and add stuff to the front to decorate it. I found hair clips to the front. 
Have Fun!!!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Valintines Day is such a fun day.  I had an amazing day. I went out to dinner and got this yummy chocolate coverd strawberrys. 

This is the second year that I wasn't helping my step daughter in her class. It's so sad when all your kids get older and there is no more Halloween or Valintines party's to attened. I still look for some fun things to do for the holidays. This year I came up with this fun activity that you and your kids could do for their class or even you can do for your co-workers. 
Paper Valintines Containers

What you will need is:
Scrapbook Paper
Sewing machine (optional) 

First you need to cut your paper 4x6

Then you need to glue the ends together. 
Next you glue the end together. I used a sewing machine to close my ends. 
Next you can put in candy, notes or toys into the other end.
Next you need to close the other in end in the opposite direction. One end is vertical and the other is horizontal. 
Now you can embellish your heart out. 
Have fun!!!