Meeting the Shaytards and CVXLive
We went to CVX Live this year and we were able to meet some amazing people. I took my niece Morgan and she was so excited to meet the Shaytards. This was first on our list so as soon as we got there we found were the Shaytards meetup was and we got in line.
Morgan was waiting in line with all the things she brought to give the Shaytards. She was so excited and couldn't wait to see them, it's a good thing we got there so early we were at the front of the line.
When they came in we waited only a short time and it was our turn. My Niece Shauntay and her boyfriend Kris showed up and got in line with us.
Honestly Morgan wasn't the only one that was excited. I have wanted to meet them sense I stumbled across their Youtube channel. I was married to my ex Juble and it was hell. I dont understand why but it seemed like he was always trying to make me miserable. I got so low so many times and trying to fight his attempts to make me feel terrible about myself. At times I wondered why I even tried anymore, all I did was fail. When day when I was at my lowest I found the Shaytards. I was watching the video's and laughing at all the antics of this family. After a few days of watching and laughing Shay came on and talked about how happiness is a choice. No matter the negative people around us we can still choose to be happy. the next time my ex came at me with his negative attitude and I started to become unhappy I remembered what Shay said. I put a smile on my face and talked to the kids and joked with them. I noticed that happier I was the more he tried to put me down. Here is a link to the video I watched.
I continued to watch his channel and then started to watch others like:
Daily Bumps
April and Davey
Ellie and Jared.
Dyches Family
Matt and Em Vlogs
All of these families inspired me to do more with my life and to continue to live happy and peaceful life.
Honestly Morgan wasn't the only one that was excited. I have wanted to meet them sense I stumbled across their Youtube channel. I was married to my ex Juble and it was hell. I dont understand why but it seemed like he was always trying to make me miserable. I got so low so many times and trying to fight his attempts to make me feel terrible about myself. At times I wondered why I even tried anymore, all I did was fail. When day when I was at my lowest I found the Shaytards. I was watching the video's and laughing at all the antics of this family. After a few days of watching and laughing Shay came on and talked about how happiness is a choice. No matter the negative people around us we can still choose to be happy. the next time my ex came at me with his negative attitude and I started to become unhappy I remembered what Shay said. I put a smile on my face and talked to the kids and joked with them. I noticed that happier I was the more he tried to put me down. Here is a link to the video I watched.
I continued to watch his channel and then started to watch others like:
Daily Bumps
April and Davey
Ellie and Jared.
Dyches Family
Matt and Em Vlogs
All of these families inspired me to do more with my life and to continue to live happy and peaceful life.
At CVX live I got to meet not only the Shaytards and his family like his brother Casey but I meet Missy from Daily Bumps, April and Davey, Ellie and Jared, Josh and Christine and Matt and his son. It was so fun being able to talk with them and let them know how much they changed my life.
Its been four years that I have been divorced and changed my life around to be more positive and make everyday a day that I can choose to be happy. I know without a question that I would not be were i am today without the influence of there people. I was so happy that I got to meet these people and let them know how they changed my life. I will always remember how I needed that love and support from people that I have never meet. I would come home and take care of Hanna and the house and then lock myself in the bedroom and watch youtube and laugh. One day I will start my own channel and all I can hope is that I can help at least one person.
Its been four years that I have been divorced and changed my life around to be more positive and make everyday a day that I can choose to be happy. I know without a question that I would not be were i am today without the influence of there people. I was so happy that I got to meet these people and let them know how they changed my life. I will always remember how I needed that love and support from people that I have never meet. I would come home and take care of Hanna and the house and then lock myself in the bedroom and watch youtube and laugh. One day I will start my own channel and all I can hope is that I can help at least one person.
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